Hi, my name is Ellen.

At Sage Mind Therapy, my mission is deeply rooted in personal transformation. My journey as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and Life & Success Coach is founded on a heartfelt commitment: to help people break free from the shackles of anxiety and self-limiting beliefs that have long held them back.

It is my goal to guide you to reach your full potential in both your personal and professional life, fostering a state of health, happiness, and success.

My approach in therapy is a unique blend of hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming, honed to address the core issues that hinder personal growth. Working with the subconscious mind, I aim to unlock the latent potential within each individual, enabling profound and lasting change. This process is not just about managing symptoms but truly transforming lives from within.

The heart of my practice lies in helping you gain clarity, heal, and evolve into the best version of yourself. It's a journey of self-discovery, where we work together to rewrite the narratives that have previously defined you, and shape a new path forward. I believe in the transformative power of understanding and reshaping our subconscious beliefs and patterns.

My commitment extends to providing a warm, empathetic environment where every session is a step towards empowerment. Whether you are grappling with anxiety, career challenges, or personal hurdles, I am here to offer a guiding hand. It's not just my profession, but my passion and true life's calling to witness and facilitate this journey of change and self-realisation.

In essence, my mission is to help others find what was once missing in my own life – a sense of fulfillment, genuine happiness, and the ability to live out my true passion. I invite you to embark on this transformative journey with me, as we strive together towards a life defined not by limitations, but by limitless potential and authentic joy.

Why see a hypnotherapist?


Rapidly evolve negative behaviours into positive life changes.


Access and overcome deep-rooted barriers for personal growth.


Effectively handle anxiety and stress for sustained, long-term tranquility.


Attain personal and professional goals with focused strategies.

In the depth of the subconscious mind, there lies a powerful blueprint for transformation and growth, waiting to be unlocked and utilised for our betterment.
– Ellen Berry

Sage Mind Therapy can support you if you’re struggling with...

Emotional eating
Attachment styles
Public speaking
Binge eating
High performance
Limiting beliefs
Self sabotage
Self worth
Career success
Personal success
Weight loss

Voices of transformation

Read inspiring stories of change and success from those who've embarked on their journey with us.
Ellen has a gentle and compassionate approach to hypnotherapy.

She’s easy to talk to so if you’re anxious about trying hypnosis to help you get into a better state, just let her know and she’ll put your nerves at ease.


I have had one of the most profound experiences working with Ellen.

Her approach is gentle and beyond helpful.

I always have a new level of self compassion and understanding open up for me.


Ellen has changed my life in numerous profound ways, delving deeply into aspects that were significantly holding me back.

Her unique experiences in areas that I have also encountered have immensely helped me in overcoming these challenges and reaching the other side.


As someone new to hypnotherapy, I had my doubts about its benefits.

Yet, Ellen's professional and calming approach swiftly eased my concerns.

The session was transformative, leaving me at ease and empowered to make positive life changes.


Ellen has such a kind and genuine energy. She instantly made me feel safe and I could feel she only wanted the best for me.

For anyone feeling like there is something stopping you from letting go or holding you back I would highly recommend giving Ellen a go!


I found working with Ellen to be safe and non threatening and at the same time deeply impactful.

She has an ability to identify and communicate what's going on in ways that I couldn't readily see for myself. Highly recommended!


I loved my Hypnotherapy sessions with Ellen, She is an excellent communicator and great at what she does.

I was guided to work through my confusion and to be able to decide on my path. After one session, I had no more over-thinking and no more confusion.


Frequently Asked Questions

Explore frequently asked questions about our services and therapeutic approach below.

Will I be in control during hypnotherapy?

Absolutely. During hypnotherapy, you remain in control and aware. It's a state of focused relaxation where you can access and influence your subconscious mind, guided safely by the therapist.

How many sessions will I need to see results and what is the cost?

The number of sessions varies depending on individual needs. Some people notice changes after just a few sessions, while others may require more. We'll tailor the therapy to suit your unique situation.

The cost of a therapy session at Sage Mind Therapy is $200.

What can I expect during my first hypnotherapy session?

In your first session, we'll create a welcoming and comfortable space to discuss your goals and challenges. It's a time for us to understand your unique situation and tailor our approach to suit your needs.

We'll explore the areas you'd like to work on and begin the process of hypnotherapy in a gentle and guided manner. This session lays the foundation for our journey together, ensuring a personalised and effective therapeutic experience.

Do you offer online sessions?

Yes, I offer online sessions to provide flexibility and convenience. Whether you're unable to attend in-person or prefer the comfort of your own space, my online sessions ensure you can access quality hypnotherapy and coaching from anywhere. These online hypnotherapy sessions are conducted with the same care and professionalism as in-person meetings, ensuring your journey towards wellbeing is uninterrupted and accessible.

Still have questions?

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Ready to transform your life?

Take the first step towards a more fulfilled and balanced self. Connect with us today to begin your journey of personal growth and emotional wellbeing. Let's unlock your true potential together.

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Take the first step towards a brighter future by scheduling a free 10-minute call with Sage Mind Therapy.

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